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5-13-09 BZC
Borough of Newtown
Zoning Commission
Newtown, Connecticut

Minutes of the Meeting of May 13, 2009

Minutes of the Meeting of the Borough of Newtown Zoning Commission on Wednesday, May 13, 2009 at the Borough Room, Town Hall South, 3 Main Street, Newtown, Connecticut.  Chairman Linda Shepard called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m.

Present:        Linda Shepard, Douglas Nelson, David Francis, Lucy Sullivan and Alternate: Palmer Chiappetta.  Also Present:  Zoning Enforcement Officer Jean St. Jean.

Absent: Brid Craddock and Borough Attorney Donald Mitchell.

New Business:

Attorney James White was present on behalf of his client, CPCI, LLC, to submit an application for proposed changes to Sections 8.04 (I) and 10.00 (K) of the Borough zoning regulations.  The commission accepted the application.

The Commission accepted the application of My Place, Inc. for Village District, Special Exception and Site Development Plan Approvals for outdoor patio dining at their restaurant located at 8 Queen Street, Newtown.  

The Commission accepted the application of Young Properties, LLC for Village District, Special Exception and Site Development Plan Approvals for construction at property located 25 Church Hill Road.

Mrs. St. Jean discussed possible future applications for projects in the Borough.

There were no new sign applications and no other new business to discuss.

Old Business:

There was no old business to discuss.
There being no other business to transact the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.  The next meeting is scheduled for June 10, 2009.

                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                        David Francis, Secretary